[M] Notice and Apology Concerning Possible Leakage of Personal Information [M] 18th Canadian Neuroscience Meeting Notice of member price discount on registration fee [M] Election results for the 2025 Board of Directors [M] Board of Directors Election [M] SfN Neuroscience 2024 参加記 [M] SfN Neuroscience 2024 参加記 ◆Participating Report of the 17th Annual Meeting of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2024) [M] IBRO Press Release: Elections 2024 [M] Call for Nominations of the 2025 Japan Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award [M] Australasian Neuroscience Society 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting Notice of member price discount on registration fee ◆“Meet the Editors” Session (July 24, 25 and 26, 2024) will be held at NEURO2024 ◆Neuroscience Research Special Issue(Vol.197) is available for free now [M] Announcement of 2024 JNS-SfN Exchange Travel Awardees ◆Neuroscience Research is now Full Gold Open Access journal ◆Message from the President ◆Atsushi Nambu, The 26th Recipient of the Tokizane Award in 2024 [M] Obituary: Larry Young, PhD (In Memoriam) ◆Awardee of 2024 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience, Shawn Sorrells ◆Announcement of the 26th Recipients of the Tokizane Prize in 2024 ◆Announcement of FENS Forum 2024 Travel Award Awardees ◆Announcement of the 2024 JNS-CNS Travel Award Program Awardees ◆Awardee of the 2024 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience [M] Announcement of the Awardees of the 2024 Neuroscience Research (NSR) Paper Awards. ◆The Winners of the Brain Prize 2024 [M] Survey on membership in other societies and joint holding of annual meeting [M] Chen Institute Science Writer's report about the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society ◆THE BRAIN PRIZE 2024 WINNERS ANNOUNCED ON MARCH 5TH (CET)/ 6TH MARCH(JST) [M] Special Rates Offer for FENS Forum 2024 Registration [M] FY2023 Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly [M] Renewal of Student Member / Overseas Student Member for FY 2024 [M] Announcement of 2023 JNS-SfN Exchange Travel Awardees ◆FENS Summer School 2023 Report (Owusu Mensah Richard Nana Abankwah) ◆Call for applications: Chief Editors of Neuroscience ◆Message from the President 'Our Neuroscience Society' ◆Awardee of 2023 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience, Tomasz Nowakowski [M] The election of the new president ◆Announcement of the 24th Recipients of the Tokizane Prize in 2023 ◆Announcement of the Awardees of the 2023 Neuroscience Research (NSR) Paper Awards. ◆Awardee of the 2023 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆The Winners of the Brain Prize 2023 [M] Renewal of Student Member / Overseas Student Member for FY 2023 ◆The list of councilors is now available. ◆THE BRAIN PRIZE 2023 WINNERS ANNOUNCED ON 23RD MARCH(CET)/ 24TH MARCH(JST) ◆Message from the president [M] New Editorial Board of Neuroscience Research [M] From the Desk of the Outgoing Editor-in-Chief of Neuroscience Research [M] FY2022 Report on the JNS General Assembly [M] Election results for the 2023 Board of Directors [M] Notice of Change of Period for 2023 Student Member Re-Registration [M] FENS Forum 2022 Report [M] Announcement of 2019 JNS-SfN Exchange Travel Awardees [M] The JNS Secretariat Desk during NEURO2022 ◆The Brain Prize Webinar – Circuits for Movement [M] Call for SfN Award nominations ◆Awardee of 2022 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience, Denis Jabaudon ◆Announcement of the 2022 JNS-CNS Travel Award Program Awardees [M] The Brain Prize 2023 - Call for Nominations ◆Winners for the 22nd Japan Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award Selected! ◆Announcement of the 24th Recipients of the Tokizane Award in 2022 ◆Announcement of the Awardee of the 2022 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience [M] SfN:Peter Seeburg Prize- Nominations Closing Soon ◆The Winners of the Brain Prize 2022 [M] Special Rates Offer for FENS Forum 2022 registration ◆Announcement of the Awardees of the 2022 Neuroscience Research (NSR) Paper Awards. ◆THE BRAIN PRIZE 2022 WINNERS ANNOUNCED ON 3RD MARCH(CET)/ 4TH MARCH(JST) ◆Announcement of FENS Forum 2022 Travel Awardees [M] Participation Report of 2021 Cajal Course ◆Call for SfN2022 Session Proposals [M] Call for Editor-in-Chief : Neuroscience Research (NSR) [M] Special Rates Offer for FENS Forum 2022 registration ◆Virtual SfN 2021: Global Neuroscience Social [M] Student Membership Renewal for 2022 and Information on Junior Membership [M] FY2021 Report on the JNS General Assembly ◆Announcement of 2021 JNS-SfN Exchange Travel Awardees [M] Password to log in the JNS Meeting Planner 2020 [M] Notice of Public Incorporation of the JNS ◆Awardees of the 2021 Japan Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award ◆The Japan Neuroscience Society' s official Journal Neuroscience Research presents NSR Paper Awards ◆Awardee of 2021 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience, Sergiu P. Pasca [M] Guidelines for the Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates in Neuroscience Research ◆Announcement of the 23rd Recipient of the Tokizane Prize in 2021 ◆Announcement of the Awardee of the 2021 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Our website has become smartphone friendly. ◆Message from the President ◆JNS is proud to endorse the ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion. [M] 2021 Student Member Re-Registration and Junior Member Registration [M] Membership website has been renewed (Your conformation required) [M] FY2020 Report on the JNS General Assembly ◆Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Brain Structure and Function ◆Awardee of 2020 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental
Neuroscience, Haruki Takeuchi ◆Announcement of the Awardee of the 2020 Joseph Altman Award
in Developmental Neuroscience ◆JNS join the fight against COVID-19 pandemic ◆Announcement of the 22nd Recipient of the Tokizane Prize in 2020 ◆Announcement of 2019 JNS-SfN Exchange Travel Awardees ◆Special Rates Offer for FENS Forum 2020 registration [M] 2020 Student Member Re-Registration and Junior Member Registration ◆Election of Panel Directors ◆The JNS Secretariat Desk at NEURO2019 ◆Announcement of the 2019 Japan Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Awardees ◆Yasunori Hayashi The 21st Recipient of the Tokizane Prize in 2019 ◆Official notice about the election of Panel Directors ◆Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Announcement of the Awardee of the 2019 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Announcement of the 21st Recipient of the Tokizane Prize in 2019 ◆Cast your vote for the new JNS official character!! ◆Special Rates Offer for 2019 ANS Conference, Australasian Neuroscience Society - 39th Annual Scientific Meeting registration ◆Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Announcement of the Awardee of the 2018 Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Participating report of the 12th biennial Conference of CNS : Kai Li ◆Participating report of the 12th biennial Conference of CNS : Kelvin Hui ◆Itaru Imayoshi the First Awardee of the Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆Announcement of the First Awardee of the Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience ◆2020 Student Member Re-Registration and Junior Member Registration
Participation Report of 2021 Cajal Course
JNS-FENS Exchange Support Programme for CAJAL 2021
CAJAL Course on Optogenetics, Chemogenetics, and Biosensors for Cellular and Circuit Neuroscience (22 November – 10 December 2021)
CAJAL Post-course Review By Joshua Philippe Olorocisimo
Truly understanding the brain remains to be one of the biggest problems in modern science. It is so interesting because solving this is not only technically challenging, but also deeply personal. We humans are innately curious as to how things work and continuously learn and update our models about the world, yet the organ that gives us these amazing abilities is itself poorly understood. This is what pulled me to study the brain and behavior and to become an aspiring neuroscientist and neuroengineer.
The University of Bordeaux, France
Thus, amidst the global pandemic, I was determined to learn more about neuroscience. I searched online for hands-on neuroscience training courses, and found that the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme was an excellent opportunity. A year before the course started, I applied to the program, but I still had to find additional funding to support my travel. Fortuitously, I received an email from the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) in partnership with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) about a travel grant which I immediately applied to. Thankfully I was accepted to both the CAJAL course and the JNS-FENS grant, but the coronavirus would end up delaying the course. Despite this, I was glad that the training would still be pushing through live, because I knew the learning experience would be much better.
The Bordeaux Neurocampus
And I was proven right. Against all odds of travel restrictions and visa requirements, attending the CAJAL Course on Optogenetics, Chemogenetics, and Biosensors for Cellular and Circuit Neuroscience (OCBCCN) in-person was an unforgettable experience that helped me learn both broad and deep knowledge in the latest techniques for studying neurons and the brain. Furthermore, being in the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, surrounded by facilities and people dedicated to neuroscience, was a refreshing atmosphere for me. The course directors, lecturers, and instructors were very welcoming and facilitated interesting discussions and organized challenging projects. The students and participants were all very friendly and eager to learn, and overall, the environment was that of open-discussion and freedom to ask any questions.
At first, we introduced ourselves and our research – both in an oral presentation and a poster session over beers and pizza. The casual atmosphere helped break the ice and encouraged lively conversations about science. We were 20 students from around the world, and I was the only one from East and Southeast Asia. Then, throughout the course, we would receive excellent lectures from the leading experts in the field – most of whom also attended live to have opportunities for in-depth discussions. We were taught the latest developments in optogenetics, biosensors, and optical technology applied to neuronal calcium or voltage imaging, optical neuromodulation, and behavioral analysis, among many other things. I listened to and met the people whom I previously only read from in journals, which was quite astounding. It was incredible that I could participate in scientific discussions and casual conversations with world-class neuroscientists and neuroengineers.
Research presentation at the CAJAL OCBCCN 2021
I also participated in 2 different hands-on projects. The first was on multi-color fiber photometry in freely-behaving animals, and the second was on ultrafast two-photon voltage imaging in vivo. These two projects were some of the most cutting-edge techniques being used in neuroscience today. It was such a great learning experience because I was able to see the entire workflow of doing such experiments. They also taught us some additional tips and tricks, and I learned even more from performing the experiments hands-on. Since the experts were right beside me, it was very easy to get feedback and learn in the process of working. First-hand experience with the techniques allowed me to see the minute details and challenges from setting-up the experiments up until analyzing the data. We also presented our projects and results to get helpful advice and further insight from the audience.
CAJAL Research projects: (Left) Brain slicing after dual-color fiber photometry. (Right) Voltage imaging of the L1 visual cortex
Every day – from 9 am to 9 pm – we would spend time in the university for lectures and experiments, and so projects that would take several months were accomplished in less than a month. It was a very productive 3 weeks indeed, but we made sure to balance this with some fun as well. We only had 3 days of free time, so we used this to see the beautiful city of Bordeaux and its nearby towns. I was able to visit some historical monuments, city markets, and a light show museum. The food and drinks were wonderful, and even better was the camaraderie we formed.
Scenic spots in the city: Bordeaux Cathedral, Place de la Bourse, Porte Cailhau
(Left to right)
Given more time, I’m sure there was a lot more to learn and experience, but even so, the duration of the course was very well-utilized and already jampacked with great learnings and fun experiences. Near the end of the course, I remember feeling very accomplished because I was able to learn so many new things and meet new people. The course made me more eager to continue my PhD research once I got back to Japan, and it allowed me to gain connections that may help in the future, especially when facing difficulties with my own project.
CAJAL Course directors, instructors, and students
Therefore, I would like to thank the CAJAL course organizers, directors, lecturers, instructors, and fellow students for the magnificent experience. I would also like to thank the JNS-FENS committee for helping me fund this once in a lifetime opportunity, and more importantly, for promoting international exchange. And I extend my deepest gratitude to my university and laboratory for all the support and care they gave during this experience. I would definitely recommend fellow neuroscientists to take this opportunity. I am sure my experience in CAJAL would help me, not only in my PhD, but also in my overarching goal of truly understanding the brain.