Announcement of the 24th Recipients of the Tokizane Award
in 2022
The 24th Recipients of the Tokizane Award were decided. This year’s award ceremony and lectures will be conducted during NEURO2022 (the joint meeting of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, the 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry and the 32nd Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society).
Name: Masato Hasegawa
Affiliation: Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
[Award Ceremony and Lecture]
Date and Time: July 1 (Fri), 15:30 - 16:20
Venue: Room 1 (Theater, Okinawa Convention Center)
Name: Masashi Yanagisawa
Affiliation: International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
[Award Ceremony and Lecture]
Date and Time: July 3 (Sun), 14:00 -14:50
Venue: Room 2 (Conference Building A1, Okinawa Convention Center)