JNS-SfN Travel Award Exchange Program 募集開始
Neuroscience 2019 (SfN‘s 49th annual meeting)
2018年受賞者 5名
大内彩子 (東京大学大学院薬学系研究科薬品作用学教室)
征矢晋吾 (筑波大学国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構)
高木優 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻)
村上達哉 (東京大学医学系研究科システムズ薬理学教室)
Xiaodong Li (名古屋大学生命理学生命理学専攻, 脳回路構造学)
ご関心をお持ちの方は下記のガイドラインに従い、〆切までにjns-sfn_program@jnss.orgへ応募書類をお送りください。なお、受賞者にはSfNが会期中初日に主催するInternational Fellows Orientation Sessionおよび International Fellows Poster Sessionへ参加していただきます。
日本神経科学学会・国際連携委員会委員長 尾藤 晴彦
Guidelines for applications to the JNS-SfN Travel Award Exchange Program
The applicant must meet all of the following criteria.
a) Enrollment as PhD-seeking graduate student or a postdoctoral scientist working in Japan
b) JNS membership in good standing on the application deadline*
c) The applicant must be the first author of an abstract submitted to the SfN Annual Meeting
(*One can become a member of JNS within a few days.)
Events organized by SfN for awardees
- International Fellows Orientation Session (morning of the Day1)
- International Fellows Poster Session (evening of the Day1)
The awardees are required to attend all these events. Further information on these events will be directly provided by SfN to the awardees.
Support provided
- 2,000 US dollars equivalent (the award will be provided in JPY)
- Award cash is remitted to recipients about three months prior to the SfN meeting. Note: The award cash must be used for the trip to attend the SfN 2019 meeting.
- Complimentary conference registration (SfN will refund the conference fee later) *
*Abstract submission fee and the membership fee of SfN are not waived.
Method of application
The JNS Secretariat will send an e-mail acknowledgement to each applicant upon receipt of submission. If the applicant does not receive any reply within 4 days after submission, the applicant should check with the Secretariat.
Materials for application
- All the materials should be combined into a single pdf file.
- File Name: Your JNS Membership ID + your name.pdf
- Subject of the E-mail: Application to JNS-SfN Travel Award
- Application format
- Name
- Institution and Department
- Address
- Telephone
- E-mail
- JNS membership ID
- Gender (Male or Female) (optional)
- Statement of intent (200-250 words) that provides the summary of the applicant’s motivation and purpose for attending the meeting
- One-page letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor
- One-page curriculum vitae that includes the following information
- Education and professional experience, if any: please explicitly mention the date when the applicant received (or is expected to receive) his/her PhD degree.
- Honors/awards, if any.
- Bibliography of all peer-reviewed and invited publications, as well as meeting abstracts
- Copy of the abstract submitted to this year’s SfN meeting (An applicant must have completed submission of his/her abstract to SfN, before applying to the JNS-SfN travel Award)
The application deadline: April 24, 2019 at 12 p.m. (noon) JST
office@jnss.org for any further questions.