[Academic Events]Academic Events

IBRO-APRC Webinar Horizons - Translational neuroscience & novel therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases

IBRO (International Brain Research Organization) was established in 1961 to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, education, research, outreach and engagement activities. The Japan Neuroscience Society was founded in 1974 as a member of the IBRO to develop neuroscience research in Japan. The IBRO Asia/Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) is the IBRO Regional Committee focusing on supporting and promoting neuroscience in the Asia/Pacific region.
The 2nd Global Neuroscience Horizons Webinar will be held on 31 May 2021, supported by IBRO-APRC. This is an opportunity for frank discussions and close interactions amongst neuroscientists of different genders, ages, nationalities, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic. Prof. Michisuke Yuzaki, the President from the Japan Neuroscience Society, will join as a speaker. Your participation would be highly welcomed!
IBRO is excited to announce our 2nd Global Neuroscience Horizons Webinar on 31 May 2021 with Profs. Jafri Malin Abdullah, Cliff Abraham, Julie Bernhardt, Michisuke Yuzaki, Amy Fu, & Yong Shen.
The webinar will focus on how translational neuroscience and novel therapeutics can yield new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases across the Asia/Pacific region and will be chaired by Prof. Pike See Cheah (chair, IBRO-APRC)& Dr. Lin Kooi Ong.
Registration is free and open to all!
1. Webpage
Here is the principal link to share for information on the webinar: https://ibro.org/horizons-webinar-2/
2. Social media