[Academic Events]Academic Events

Invite your members to submit late-breaking research
for BrainTech19

Dear Japan Neuroscience Society,

We would like to inform you that the late-breaking abstract submission for BrainTech 2019, taking place March 4-5, 2019 in Tel Aviv, is open!

We would like to kindly ask you to encourage your members to submit an abstract for the opportunity to:

  • Gain exposure to the entire brain ecosystem via poster presentation
  • Compete for the Best Poster Prize
  • Take a step forward in their career

The deadline for the late-breaking abstract submission is January 16, 2019.

Please forward this email to your members and/or post the link on your website, so that they can use this opportunity and submit their research on time: https://braintech.kenes.com/abstracts/

In exchange, we are happy to provide a 10% discount on registration to your members. Please let me know if this is of interest to you and I will provide more details.


Lily Prodanova
BrainTech 2019 Marketing Coordinator
