[Public Outreach] News from JNS

Official notice about the election of Panel Directors

To Members of the Japan Neuroscience Society,

President of the Japan Neuroscience Society Tadashi Isa

As the term of current Directors will be completed at the end of December 2019, new Panel Directors for the next term (from January 2020 to December 2022) will be selected by a general voting according to the following schedule.

April 22 to May 22: Invitation of candidates
May 22 to August 20: Recommendations by the Nominating Committee, the determination by the Board of Directors, and preparations of the voting August 20 to September 20: General voting at the society web site

Candidates will be the Regular or Junior Members who have stood by herself/himself, those recommended by Regular or Junior Members, and those recommended by the Nominating Committee. Applications/recommendations are now invited. They should arrive at the Society Secretariat by the end of May 22, either by email attachment or mail. The Secretariat will acknowledge the email applications/recommendations by return emails by 5 pm May 23. If you have not received an acknowledgement of your email recommendation, please contact with the Secretariat by the noon of May 24. Please note that the consecutive terms of a person as Panel Director are restricted by the Bylaws to up to two.

Self-standing application should have the following information:
*The name, affiliation, Panel and seal of the candidate

Recommendation should have the following items:
*The names, affiliations and seals of no fewer than three Regular or Junior Members who recommend the candidate
*A letter, by the candidate, of agreement to be a candidate