Postdoctoral Associate Position at Everling laboratory
at Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping(CFMM)
The Everling laboratory at the Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping (CFMM) has an open position for a highly motivated postdoctoral associate using fMRI in marmoset monkeys. Research in the laboratory focuses on the neural basis of cognition. We employ high-density neurophysiological recordings and fMRI in marmoset monkeys to study local and large-scale neural circuits that underlie the cognitive control of behaviour. Most of the fMRI studies are conducted using in-house developed hardware on a 9.4T scanner. Our previous fMRI work in marmosets has been published in top-tier journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), Nature Communications, and The Journal of Neuroscience. Exciting recent developments in the laboratory include the hardware and image-processing pipelines for simultaneously measuring the whole-brain activation of socially interacting marmoset monkeys using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
The laboratory ( is located in London, Ontario, Canada with a metropolitan census of 530,000, located midway between Toronto and Detroit. With parks, tree-lined streets and bicycle trails, London is known as the “Forest City”. London boasts an international airport, galleries, theatre, music and sporting events. As part of the Robarts Research Institute, the Brain and Mind Institute, and Brainscan at Western University, we offer an outstanding research environment and excellent opportunities for collaborative research in visual and cognitive neuroscience.
Job requirements
Applicants should have a PhD in neuroscience or other relevant fields. We are especially interested in candidates with prior experience in fMRI analysis techniques (FSL, AFNI, ANTS). Experience with nonhuman primates or rodents is a plus but not a requirement.
Applications should include a cover letter, a CV, list of publications, and names (incl. contact info) of 2 possible references. Please send your application to (preferably as one PDF document).