[Advocacy] FENS-JNS-SfN Joint Animals Statement

Dear JNS members,

This is to inform you that three of the world’s largest neuroscience societies, FENS, JNS and SfN, have released a joint statement on the use of animals in research. The campaign against animal experiments is being stepped up by animal-rights and animal protection organizations, including some actions that are rather violent, as you know. The opposition to animal experiments in Japan is still not as strong as in US and Europe, but the animal experiment environment is getting more and more difficult as can be seen from the press release that one of the major cosmetic companies has terminated its own animal experiments.

In light of these circumstances, this joint statement emphasizes the usefulness of animal experiments and their contribution to society, as well as condemning violence and intimidation against those involved in animal research and their families, though constructive discussions are always welcome.

With the development of various guidelines and regulations after Act on Welfare and Management of Animals was amended in 2005, the animal experiment environment in Japan, under self-management by researchers, has been good. In order not to regress but rather to continue to improve, there is no doubt that researchers are expected to play a normative role with stronger awareness regarding animal experiments.

We urge you to read this statement, consider how to act and what to do as a researcher, discuss with your colleagues, determine your attitude, and take action.

The joint statement is available at July 11, 2011. Please feel free to distribute this statement to non-members of Japan Neuroscience Society, if they are engaged in animal experiments.

Last but not least, we express our deepest sympathy to victims of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. We believe that we will overcome this tragedy and recover.

Best wishes,

President: Yasushi Miyashita
Chair, Animal Experiment Committee: Masato Taira
Chair, International Collaboration Committee: Keiji Tanaka

FENS-JNS-SfN Joint Animals Statement (PDF 82.4KB)