[公募情報] 研究員・教職員募集

Hokkaido University Integrated Science Program
Recruitment of Assistant Professor (Biology)

The Institute for Advancement of Higher Education at Hokkaido University invites applications for a 5-year fixed term faculty position in the area of biology. Duties of the appointee will be (1) to conduct world-leading research in the biology-based discipline of specialty, and (2) to teach a major component of the biology curriculum of the English-language undergraduate degree program for international students (Integrated Science Program; ISP) which has successfully operated since 2017.
1. Position
Assistant Professor (5-year appointment). Upon the completion of the initial 5-year period, the appointee will be subjected to a performance evaluation and a positive assessment may lead to reappointment for an additional 5 years.
2. Department
Institute for Advancement of Higher Education.
*Office will be located in Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science.
3. Field of research
  1. The subjects that you can specially teach in the ISP curriculum are:
    Animal Physiology, Cell Biology
    [The followings are textbooks, which are currently used in the department]
    Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts/Johnson/Lewis/Morgan/Raff/ et al.)
    Campbell Biology (Urry/Cain/Wasserman/Minorsky/Reece)
    Animal Physiology (Hill/Wyse/Anderson)
  2. In addition, as your research field, please select one field from the following five fields. You will have your research together with any mentor(s) working on related field in Department of Biological Sciences in Faculty of Science.
    Bioinformatics, Developmental Biology, Reproductive Biology, Neurophysiology, Neuroethology
4. Location
Hokkaido University, Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido, Japan.
5. Duties
  1. Conducting world-leading research in the area of expertise. The appointee will be eligible to apply for national research grants.
  2. Teaching approximately 6 unit-hours per week per semester in undergraduate courses. Offering General Education Courses and specialized subjects (lectures and experiments) related to ISP and Department of Biological Sciences in English.
  3. Contribute to the evaluation of prospective ISP students.
  4. Other duties may include assisting with promotional activities and recruiting the international students by visiting foreign countries.
6. Applicant qualifications
  1. Possess a PhD in a related discipline from an accredited university at the time of appointment.
  2. Native or near-native English language ability (Japanese-proficiency not required).
  3. Proven track record of research excellence as evident through peer-reviewed academic journals, presentation at conferences, and the potential to be an effective mentor to research students.
  4. Previous experience in teaching at the college/university level is highly desirable.
7. Basic salary
  1. The basic salary will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University, with consideration for qualifications, work experience, and achievement.
  2. Relocation allowances will be reimbursed. The cost of self-isolation for two weeks due to the COVID-19 will also be supported, if the appointee will enter Japan from overseas.
8. Working hours, etc.
  • Monday to Friday.
  • Discretionary work system (standard 8:30–17:00)
    (The working hours for a day are deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes)
  • Break time 45 minutes
9. Health insurance, etc.
  • Employee Pension Insurance
  • Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • Employment Insurance
  • Workers' accident compensation insurance
10. Name of recruiting institution
Hokkaido University.
11. Measures to prevent second-hand smoke
Smoking is prohibited on the premises except for specific outdoor smoking areas.
12. Start date
March 1, 2022
March 1 marks one month before the start date of the spring semester. Measures may need to be taken for a successful applicant to self-isolate for the prior period to abide by COVID-19 related regulations.
13. Probation period
3 months.
14. Documents to be submitted
  1. A curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages). At minimum should include: photo, date of birth, nationality, current address, contact details (telephone number, e-mail address), education history for undergraduate and above, year and month of acquisition of degree diplomas and title of PhD thesis, other relevant qualifications and working experience.
  2. One research field selected from above Item 3-(2).
  3. Research accomplishments (max. 3 pages).
  1. Achievements: Categorized into academic papers (peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed), international convention proceedings, book publications, academic commentaries, reviews, presentations at academic associations/societies, and others.
  2. Status of securing competitive research funding: Categorized into Scientific Research Aid, Joint/Contract Research, Public Research funds, etc.
  3. Others: Affiliated associations and their activities, contributions to society, awards, etc.
  4. A summary of up-to-date research achievements (about 500 words).
  1. Educational achievements (max. 3 pages). Achievements in teaching including, but not limited to, previous lecturing experience, conducting experiment-based classes at the college level, supervision/mentoring/teaching postgraduate students, and any other educational achievements.
  2. A research proposal upon appointment (about 500 words). This should indicate a clear vision for the duration of the appointment, including how the applicant would both benefit and contribute to existing biology-based research at the University, contribute to the University’s competitive grant portfolio, and plans for involving students in their research. Applicant should be highly motivated to carry out research in close cooperation with faculty members in Research Groups of Behavioral Neurobiology or Reproductive and Developmental Biology (see https://www2.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/dept/bio/en/teacher). Excellent research credentials and proposal in neuroscience or reproductive biology are preferred, and experience and proposal in bioinformatics or mathematical and data science would be also appreciated.
  3. A statement of teaching plan/vision and/or philosophy, particularly in how the applicant would deliver the assigned biology courses in cell biology and animal physiology (about 500 words).
  4. Three representative papers. If the applicant is not the first author, then a clear statement of his/her explicit contribution to the paper should be included.
  5. Two professional letters of recommendation, preferably from those who can attest to the applicant’s teaching and research aptitude. If necessary, candidates may be requested to provide additional documents throughout the review process. Following the initial document screening, shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.
15. Submission deadline
Combine all pages [(1) to (8) in Section 14] and information into one PDF file (A4 size) and send the file by e-mail no later than: November 12, 2021 (23:59 JST)
16. Submission procedures
Application documents and reference letters should be submitted electronically to the Director of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education:
E-mail: jinji@academic.hokudai.ac.jp
The title of the email from the applicant should read:
“Application for ISP Assistant Professor (name of applicant)”.
The files submitted would not be used for purposes other than recruitment evaluation by Hokkaido University.
17. Further inquiries
For queries regarding personnel matters:
Academic Affairs Planning Division
Academic Affairs Department
Hokkaido University
Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0817 Japan
E-mail: jinji@academic.hokudai.ac.jp
URL: https://www.high.hokudai.ac.jp/
For queries regarding research and teaching:
Prof. Hitoshi Suzuki
Faculty of Environemtal Earth Science
Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810 Japan
E-mail: htsuzuki@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
18. Additional information
Hokkaido University: https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/ Integrated Science Program: https://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/isp/ Department of Biological Sciences, School of Science: https://www2.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/dept/bio/en Biosystems Science Course, Graduate School of Life Science: https://www.lfsci.hokudai.ac.jp/bs/en/