A Postdoctoral Position for a Gut-Brain Communication
Study Available in Grand Forks, North Dakota, U.S.A.
A postdoctoral position is available up to 2 years at the Department of Pathology, University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences in Grand Forks, ND. A successfully identified individual will join the laboratory of Dr.
Kumi Nagamoto-Combs in the Department of Pathology and investigate long-term effects of allergy on neuroinflammation and neuropathology using a mouse model. This position will therefore require extensive knowledge of cellular and molecular neuroimmunology as well as neuroanatomy. Animal research skills, such as husbandry, genotyping, and behavior testing, are also required as well as proficiency in Microsoft Office, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The study will be performed in collaboration with Dr. Colin Combs in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and other members of the School of Medicine & Health Sciences. For more information, see
JobID#6666 at the UND Career Opportunities website or contact Kumi Nagamoto-Combs at
kumi.combs@und.edu. UND is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Dr. Colin Combs との共同研究です。
- 1) 神経科学、免疫学、又は他の関連分野で博士号(Ph.D.)学位取得後3年以内の方、あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方。
- 2) 分子および細胞生物学の基本技術を用いた脳神経炎症の研究経験、実績のある方。
- 3) マウス研究2年以上の経験がある方。マウス行動実験の経験のある方歓迎します。
- 4) 英語にての基本的、科学的なコミュニケーションが可能な方。
給与・待遇などの詳しくは当大学のウェブサイトを参照するか、kumi.combs@und.edu にお問い合わせください(日本語でも構いません)。採用時にてはビザのサポートを致します。